Saturday, December 24, 2022

how to add scrolling testimonials in wordpress

Adding scrolling testimonials to your WordPress website can provide an extra bit of credibility and trust to your visitors. Testimonials give potential customers a better understanding of what your product or service can do for them and why they should choose you over the competition.

The good news is that adding scrolling testimonials is relatively simple in WordPress. Here are the steps you'll need to follow:

1. Install a Plugin

The first step is to install a plugin that will enable scrolling testimonials on your WordPress website. There are several options available, including Testimonial Slider, Testimonial Rotator, and Unslider Testimonial Slider. Each plugin offers different features so choose one that best suits your needs.

2. Set Up Your Testimonials

Once you've installed the plugin, you'll need to enter in all of the relevant information for each testimonial. Each plugin will offer different options, but typically you'll at least be able to include the name of the person who submitted the testimonial, a rating for the product/service, their title and company name (if applicable), and their comments about your product or service.

3. Configure Your Settings

Next, head over to Settings > Testimonial Slider/Rotator/Unslider (depending on which option you chose) where you'll find all of the configuration options for how your slider should appear on your website. These settings will allow you to customize how quickly each testimonial scrolls across the screen as well as how many are displayed at any given time. Once all of your settings are configured, click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page and you're ready to go!

4. Display Your Testimonials

The last step is displaying your newly created slider on your website so visitors can see it and read through each individual testimonial. To do this, insert a shortcode into any post or page that you want it displayed on - instructions for copying and pasting this code will be included in the plugin documentation if needed.

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