Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Gematria how to say


Gematria, or the art of assigning numerical values to words, is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years in many cultures from the East to the West. It is believed by some scholars that this type of symbolic linking between words and numbers was used as early as 2700 BC in Egypt and Sumerian cultures.

The term Gematria comes from the Greek "γεωμετρία" – geo meaning "earth" and metria meaning "measurement". This form of numerology uses a variety of systems to link letters or words with numerical equivalents, helping to reveal hidden layers of meaning. For example, if one were to use the Hebrew alphabet system, spelling out the word 'gematria' would result in 713 gemats (values assigned to each letter). Using the same system but spelling out 'God' would result in 26 gemats.

Gematria is commonly used within Judaism and Christianity as part of a spiritual practice. Because it helps bridge language barriers between holy texts and religious teachings, many believe that gematria holds special insight into sacred truths. For example, if one were to use gematria with passages from The Bible or Torah they could find deeper interpretations not apparent at first glance. Additionally, some have applied Gematria on other texts such as Shakespeare's Sonnets for personal reflections.

Lastly, Gematria can also be used simply for fun! Number games like Sudoku allow people a way to have fun while exercising their mind; similarly Gematria can provide mental puzzles and explorations for those who choose challenging number sequences instead of letters!

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